CarbonCure Technologies is celebrating the opening of a new revenue stream for its precast concrete producer partners thanks to an update to Verified Carbon Standard (VCS) Methodology VM0043 for CO2 Utilization in Concrete Production by Verra, the world’s leading greenhouse gas (GHG) crediting program and carbon registry.
What This Means for You as a Precast Producer
This amended methodology—pursued by CarbonCure over the past year on behalf of our precast concrete producer partners—is a game-changer. With the methodology's expanded scope that now includes precast products, CarbonCure precast producers can enable the generation of valuable carbon credits simply by using our technologies to mineralize carbon dioxide in their concrete and, by doing so, reduce their cement consumption.
CarbonCure’s technologies inject CO2 into ready mix and precast concrete where it immediately converts into calcium carbonate and becomes permanently embedded within the material. The mineralization of CO2 in concrete also protects the material’s compressive strength, enabling cement savings in each mix.
"This updated Verra methodology unlocks new revenue opportunities and immense value for precast producers by quantifying their CarbonCure carbon savings and enabling them to share in the benefits of our unique carbon credit payment program," said Robert Niven, founder and CEO of CarbonCure Technologies. “CarbonCure remains dedicated to helping concrete producers meet the surging demand of lower carbon building materials by adopting our innovation, while delivering both environmental and economic value.”
How CarbonCure Generates & Shares Revenue from Carbon Credits
A carbon credit represents one metric ton of reduced or removed CO2 or equivalent greenhouse gasses. CarbonCure has a dedicated carbon credit sales team to market and sell these carbon savings, in the form of credits, to buyers who want to offset GHG emissions that their businesses have generated. CarbonCure then shares the proceeds from these credit sales with our concrete producer partners, incentivizing the adoption and increased utilization of our technologies.
A diverse community of corporations purchase high value carbon credits from CarbonCure. These include corporations across industries pursuing climate goals, such as Bank of Montreal, Deloitte, Lufthansa, Rothschild & Co, Shopify, and more.
Most of these credit buyers require third party auditing and verification to ensure the integrity of their credit purchases. That’s why Verra’s methodology—and this amendment to it—is important to CarbonCure’s carbon credit program: registering our verified credit units and meeting carbon market integrity standards.
The Bottom Line
To generate and sell each credit in a timely manner, our team ensures that CarbonCure producers participating in our credit program hit every data requirement. And over the past three years, CarbonCure has proudly shared $5 million in credit revenue with our ready mix producer partners. We are now excited to share the same benefit with our precast customers.
Ready to get started?
Learn more about how concrete producers can tap into shared revenue from CarbonCure’s Carbon Credit Program.
Then, dive deeper into how CarbonCure delivers value for our precast concrete producer partners.
Read our Coreslab Structures case study: Coreslab demonstrated its sustainability leadership by adopting CarbonCure Precast technology in 2020 at its Texas facility where it manufactures a complete line of architectural and structural precast building products for parking garages, architectural cladding and total precast building solutions.
Razing a Common Misunderstanding: Early-Age Carbonation vs. Atmospheric Carbonation in Concrete