Getting Important Data from Your Concrete Batching Software

Controlling the quality of your concrete by carefully weighing and tracking each ingredient accurately in your concrete batching system is important for ensuring you are creating a consistent, high-quality mix. Many factors can affect which concrete batching system you choose, such as job size, concrete production rate, and accuracy of weight measurements.

Depending on your batching system, it’s likely you’re currently keeping track of all this important, complex mix data in various spreadsheets and excel files, and possibly only in paper format. As you know, this method of tracking makes your data difficult to digest and time-consuming to read and analyze. It's all difficult to compile if you're asked to put a report together.

Why is My Concrete Data Important?

Every day, contractors are constantly making timely decisions about project progress. With secure, cloud-based software and mobile technology producers and contractors can get instant access to the most up-to-date, accurate project information, helping them make quicker, more informed decisions onsite. This also improves productivity, profitability, stakeholder communication, and customer relationships.

For producers, no matter the type of concrete batching plant you work in - manual weight batching, semi-automatic weight batching, or fully automatic weight batching - keeping careful track of all your data is essential to ensuring your concrete mixes are consistent and that they follow project specifications.

Historical performance data is the most important information for a producer. With this data you can modify concrete mix designs, adding or removing ingredients to save money and improve performance.

Furthermore, if your concrete is not performing up to expectations, it’s up to the producer to investigate. Was too much water added to the mix by the finisher or driver? Were weather conditions unexpected? With real-time data you can hone in on the problem and provide an explanation to the project owner as to why there were issues with the concrete during construction.

Why You Need Concrete Batching Software

With concrete batching software you can accurately input ingredient weights and volumes, track your inventory, mix recipes, costs, and more, all in a single system. This makes your mix data simple to read and allows you to view its performance overtime so you can easily evaluate and test how it can be improved.

There are numerous batching software systems that exist on the market to help producers manage, control, predict and sustain their production processes. However, many of these systems come with their own set of challenges, such as:

  • The inability to accommodate various hardware and software that are used in concrete plants, making it difficult, or impossible, to integrate with your current structure.
  • Taking up to 10 days to analyze and compile monthly data, making results outdated.
  • Providing a platform that is confusing to navigate and is not intuitive.
  • Not including certain important functions on their platform, such as ingredient costs, requiring the use of multiple systems to track all required data.
  • Only providing one individual with access to the platform, making collaboration between various stakeholders difficult. 
  • Not providing training and support on how to use the platform.
  • Using open-source APIs and cloud-based software that are not properly secure, putting your proprietary mix data at risk.

Without advanced batching software, your workload for analyzing your mix designs and finding ways to optimize environmental impact is doubled. This puts you behind your competitors who have access to this technology.

CarbonCure’s Advanced Software Technology

CarbonCure Technologies injects CO2 into concrete during the mixing process. The CarbonCure field engineers work with the concrete plant staff to install the CarbonCure system and a CO2 tank. It integrates with the plant’s existing batch system just like other admixtures, adding no additional time to a producer’s batching sequence. CarbonCure’s control box lives in the batch office and communicates relevant messages to batchers when required. It is completely automated so no interaction with the batcher is required during normal operations.

CarbonCure’s technologies gather data from every batch of concrete, tracking every detail of your production: your mix designs used, every pound or kilogram of CO2 sequestered and cement reduced, and the resulting environmental impact.

Via myCarbonCure, you can download summary reports to view your CO2 savings data not only to measure impact but also to make strategic business decisions about where to increase production volume to see a bigger return on your investment.

With the CarbonCure system you can:

  • Learn more about your production volumes
  • Optimize your mixes and uncover actionable insights from your concrete’s data
  • Save on material costs without compromising mix strength
  • Understand your mixes better with interactive dashboards that collect and present information to you in a easy to understand platform
  • Streamline data from multiple different systems and platforms and manage operations in a single platform  
  • Benefit from a user-friendly software
  • Ensure all of your data and mix designs are safe and secure
  • Win more bids on projects with a sustainability mandate
  • Earn more revenue through CarbonCure’s credit program
  • View customized recommendations to help improve key areas of your business

No matter the type of system you are working with, CarbonCure’s Technical Services and Support team will do all the heavy lifting, helping you access all of your data and digitize it into a format that can be analyzed and presented to you in a way that will allow you to see actionable insights.

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