Concrete Corner
The CarbonCure Blog
May 12, 2020
Making Room at the Design Table for Materials Suppliers
Is it time for us to question the linear approach of how projects are designed? Concrete producers (and other materials providers) have long struggled to have a seat at the design table, and many have realized that it shouldn't just be a one-way communication chain.
March 10, 2020
What A Changing Policy Environment Could Mean for Concrete Producers
New tools in the hands of policymakers are creating renewed interest in the carbon footprint of concrete. CarbonCure’s Director of Sustainability Eric Dunford provides a breakdown of what this could mean for concrete producers.
February 12, 2020
What’s holding back concrete sustainability?
While innovations within the concrete and cement manufacturing processes are flourishing, concrete producers continue to run into a significant roadblock to implementing these innovative solutions and improving the sustainability impact of their products: prescriptive concrete
September 30, 2019
Installing CarbonCure: It’s Quick, Easy and Seamless
Are you wondering what it takes to add CarbonCure into a concrete plant? Good news — you’re in the right place! CarbonCure’s Director of Engineering, Brad Vickers, has written the post below to tell you everything you need to know about the CarbonCure installation process.
July 25, 2019
CO₂ Sources, Purity and Beneficial Reuse with CarbonCure
“Why is it important to have high purity merchant CO₂? Can’t we just use any old CO₂?” The short answer: We could technically use lower purity sources for CarbonCure, however, right now, the same CO₂ that goes into concrete, also goes into your food!