Q&A with Precast Concrete Quality Expert Charles Stone at Coreslab

Welcome to our second and final Q&A with concrete quality experts! This edition features an interview with Charles Stone, Quality Control (QC) Supervisor at Coreslab Structures (TEXAS) Inc. Serving the Texas market since 1988, Coreslab manufactures a complete line of architectural and structural precast building products geared toward the parking garage, architectural cladding, and total precast building solutions. 

What do you believe are the greatest challenges facing QC managers today?

Charles: I believe that the greatest challenge is finding, training, and retaining qualified employees, while achieving production goals as well as high-quality standards.

In what ways do your precast products address the sustainability demands of today?

Charles: In the United States, buildings produce approximately 30% of the national output of greenhouse gas emissions. The intrinsic properties of precast concrete make it a natural choice for achieving sustainability in buildings. Precast contributes to sustainability practices by incorporating integrated design, also known as whole building approach, along with using materials efficiently and reducing construction waste, site disturbance and noise. In addition, the use of precast concrete in construction contributes to sustainable practices by its inherent thermal efficiency, recycled materials and aggregates and reduced waste.

What key strategies do you employ when engineering low-carbon concrete?

Charles: Whether it be the use of new materials or the adoption of CarbonCure’s technology, we conduct trials, trials, and more trials. Designs can be calculated and look great on paper, but there is no substitute for actual testing and experience.

Getting the most out of trials requires cooperation, communication between departments, and accurate data recording. It helps immensely to have a plan ahead of testing.

What advice would you give to other QC managers initiating the use of CarbonCure?

Charles: First, I would note that it will take time, patience, perseverance, and observation to make your mixes work internally. Second, to streamline the adoption of CarbonCure with customers, it is important to highlight the reduction of cement and the impact of reusing captured CO2

The process is worth it, as CarbonCure has allowed us to reduce costs, yet retain high strength. In addition, it is helping our customers who are looking for greener initiatives, which is trending more and more. 

Many thanks to Charles for sharing his insights! To learn more about Coreslab’s sustainability initiatives, read their in-depth sustainability report. And if you are a precast producer interested in implementing CarbonCure, please get in touch.

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