CarbonCure Ready Mix

Lower your carbon footprint while growing your business.

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Metric Tons of CO₂ Saved

CarbonCure Ready Mix

Same Concrete, Less Carbon
15-25 lb of CO2 saved per cubic yard / 7-11 kg of CO2 saved per cubic meter

CarbonCure injects CO₂ into your ready mix where it converts to a mineral, improving compressive strength. This allows you to optimize your mix designs, safely reducing cement content and lowering the carbon footprint of your concrete—with no impact on quality or performance.

Stacked technologies, bigger benefits: Combine CarbonCure Ready Mix with CarbonCure Reclaimed Water to revitalize the cementitious content and water in your slurry tank and turn them into valuable upcycled resources. Save an additional 10-25 lb of carbon dioxide per cubic yard (5-11 kilograms per cubic meter), for total carbon savings of roughly 10-percent compared to conventional concrete.

Explainer Video: CarbonCure Ready Mix

Reduce Cement Costs

On average, producers using CarbonCure Ready Mix reduce cement content by 3-5% with no compromise on concrete quality or performance.

Create New
Revenue Streams

Generate carbon removal credits for every concrete mix you pour—and earn revenue through CarbonCure’s verified carbon dioxide removal program.

Be A Community Leader

Establish yourself as a sustainability leader in your community and differentiate yourself from competitors. 

Gain New Team Members

Think of CarbonCure as an extension of your QC team! We are with you every step of the way through installation and testing and we even help you win more business in your local market.

Lauren Concrete Logo (Updated 2021)

“We are seeing significant strength increases from our standard control mix with CarbonCure, and I’m confidently reducing cement content by 6%. Even with this reduction, we are still achieving overdesign.”

Cory Miller
Quality Control Manager, Lauren Concrete