MRV: Building Credibility and Trust in Carbon Removal Markets

Buying carbon dioxide removal credits can feel a bit intangible. After all, it’s a colorless, odorless gas. So how do you know the carbon removal has really taken place and is accurate? This uncertainty is the reason why so many in the voluntary carbon market are talking about MRV: the measurement, reporting and verification of CO2 removal.

In this virtual panel, we discuss what MRV is and its importance in building credibility, trust, and integrity in carbon removal markets.

The discussion will focus on:

  • Establishing a baseline for what MRV is and why it's essential to scale carbon removal efforts
  • The opportunities and challenges for MRV solutions from a policy and verification standpoint
  • What’s required from carbon removal companies to do MRV well
  • Key considerations for carbon credit buyers who are looking for high-quality credits
MRV: Building Credibility and Trust in Carbon Removal Markets