Explore with CarbonCure: Case Studies, Featured Projects & Regulatory Framework

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FEATURED Ready Mix On-Demand Webinar

A Producer’s Guide to CarbonCure: Common Myths Debunked

Watch this short 30-minute webinar where the CarbonCure product marketing team debunk the most common myths and misunderstandings surrounding CarbonCure.

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Concrete Made with CarbonCure is Compliant with AASHTO Standards Thumbnail
Architecture, Engineering & Design For Architects and Engineers

Concrete Made with CarbonCure is Compliant with AASHTO Standards

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Mix Design Submittal: CarbonCure Concrete Admixture Thumbnail
Architecture, Engineering & Design For Architects and Engineers

Mix Design Submittal: CarbonCure Concrete Admixture

Adding CarbonCure to your Mix Design Submittal is the easiest way tolower the carbon footprint of your concrete

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Measuring CO2 Mineralization in Concrete Thumbnail
Technical Information Research and Testing Data

Measuring CO2 Mineralization in Concrete

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CarbonCure Concrete Admixture ASTM C494 Type S Datasheet Thumbnail
Technical Information Research and Testing Data

CarbonCure Concrete Admixture ASTM C494 Type S Datasheet

Updated October 2024

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CarbonCure’s Impact on Type I/II Cement Concrete Mixtures Thumbnail
Ready Mix White Paper For Ready Mix Producers

CarbonCure’s Impact on Type I/II Cement Concrete Mixtures

This paper reviews CarbonCure's impact on Type I/II cement concrete mixtures. The CarbonCure ready-mix technology produced concrete with a binder system comprising 100% Type I/II cement. The mix was produced with CO2 which was added like an admixture. The added CO2 enabled the use of less cement content without compromising the strength properties of the mix.

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MRV: Building Credibility and Trust in Carbon Removal Markets Thumbnail
Carbon Credits & Offset For Carbon Credit Buyers

MRV: Building Credibility and Trust in Carbon Removal Markets

In virtual panel, we discuss what MRV is and its importance in building credibility, trust, and integrity in carbon removal markets.

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How Shopify is building carbon removal economies of scale Thumbnail
Carbon Credits eBook For Carbon Credit Buyers

How Shopify is building carbon removal economies of scale

Watch this fireside chat to learn how Shopify is helping to build economies of scale through their carbon credit purchases and how they're expanding their efforts by co-launching Frontier, an advance market commitment.

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Invert & CarbonCure: A Climate Success Story Thumbnail
Climate Case Study For Carbon Credit Buyers

Invert & CarbonCure: A Climate Success Story

Invert Co-CEO Andre Fernandez shares what prompted a milestone investment into CarbonCure Carbon Credits and what others can learn from it.

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Introduction to CarbonCure for Masonry Producers Thumbnail
Data Sheet For Masonry Producers

Introduction to CarbonCure for Masonry Producers

An explanation of how CarbonCure enables concrete masonry producers to enhance their brand, appeal to the green building market and reduce emissions all at once.
